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Video Inspections are a great way to visualize the inside of a pipe for several reasons, some of which include before and after a cleaning to compare, locate buried manholes or laterals, pinpoint issues like roots or a potential break, check integrity of pipe, and/or understand the exact depth, pitch and length of a pipe.


Depending on the size and reason for service, the camera system can change. For example, the larger lines require a crawler system that drives through the pipe while recording and processing information to provide a video report as well as a write up explaining every inch and problem with each run. After each video inspection, the customer will receive a copy of those videos and write ups for their records, as well as KenCo Environmental retaining a copy for future requests and information.

Are you looking for the best commercial video inspection company in NJ? If so, contact us today for a free quote!

KenCo Environmental LLC

172  Manchester Ave. North Haledon, New Jersey 07508

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